Slapknutz Headline
Worcester Palladium (Upstairs)
Following a one-off performance in November, Slapknutz has begun its full-scale return for 2025 beginning at Worcester's famous Palladium on January 4th. With support acts Elizabory & No More Youth, both the band & fans were ecstatic to witness the first knut slapping of the year.
Before Slap's set even began, the cheering of the crowd was near deafening as changeover was in full effect. Tension & excitement filled the air while the band was preparing to decimate the stage. To add to the already suspenseful evening, Slapknutz was introduced by TikToker MetalHorrorMadman in his own, unique way.
Just as he slapped his knutz, the lights drew dark & the brain-rot aura intro tape echoed over the PA. A few minutes of mindless memes later, Slapknutz ripped into 'Unsainted', met with joy, smiles & love from the fans, both new & old. The band was firing on all cylinders, continuing their onslaught into songs such as 'Eyeless', 'The Heretic Anthem' & 'Solway Firth' to name a few.
By the time Slap neared the end of their performance, they had undoubtably set the record for most stage dives & crowd surfers they had ever witnessed. Shock, amusement & bliss were emotions the guys unanimously felt while the heavy riffs of 'Surfacing' incited the pit further. "This stage is your stage" vocalist Brandon David exclaimed while the song was nearing the end, undoubtably making the fans even rowdier.
As quickly as the show began, the band's signature Spongebob Squarepants 'Hawaiian Cocktail' outro music rung throughout the room & the appreciation between the band & fans ensued. Picks, setlists, drumsticks among other items were thrown to a hungry crowd who devoured every bit of Slapknutz memorabilia. The show had been a complete success.
While the band is currently taking the winter months off to create music with 6FIVE6 (follow @6FIVE6 for more updates), they plan to return to the stage in the spring & summer in select cities & towns. Stay tuned to www.Slapknutz.com for future updates on upcoming shows.